Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Invention to Application course seeking MBA students

Hi everyone,

The Invention to Application course is seeking MBA students to join in.  This is a great course run by Barry Myers.  A flyer is attached with information, and a brief description is below.

Please contact them directly if interested.



Winner of Healthcare Track '09


Cerene Biomedics:

Winner of Duke Start-up Challenge'08

and the Healthcare Track



Winner of Duke Start-up Challenge'07

and the Healthcare Track


Cytec Inc:

Winner of Duke Start-up Challenge'06

and the Healthcare Track 

Invention to Application

(HLTHMGMT 491 / BME 362)


Providing a path for real-world commercialization

ITA class is a hands-on learning experience with multi-disciplinary teams from Business, Engineering, and Medicine and real-life technologies developed by Duke faculty. Students will be equipped with the skill sets and tools to screen state-of-the-art technologies and pick the best opportunity to develop a business plan, pitch presentation and customer leads. Students periodically report to the ITA Advisory Board comprised of the Executive Director of Duke's tech transfer office, seasoned entrepreneurs, local VCs, and faculty members at Duke who have commercialized technologies.

Due to limited space there will be an interview process. Submit resumes to Barry Myers, MD, PhD, MBA to schedule an interview (barry.myers@duke.edu).


Howie Rhee, MBA
Managing Director
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Room E167J
919-617-1123 mobile

Watch our video: www.fuqua.duke.edu/wakeup

Duke Entrepreneurship Links:
- Entrepreneurship at Duke - www.EntrepreneurshipAtDuke.com
- A Duke Resource for Entrepreneurs: www.dukeVEN.com
- Weekly Education Series - www.dukeDEES.com
- Connect with Duke Entrepreneurs - www.dukegen.com
- Find a startup - www.startupmatchmaker.blogspot.com
- Duke Start-Up Challenge - www.dukestartupchallenge.org
- Entrepreneurship Week - www.eweekatduke.com
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/EshipAtDuke
- Blog - www.howierhee.blogspot.com
- Photos - http://picasaweb.google.com/EshipAtDuke
- LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/howierhee
- Entering the Duke Start-Up Challenge? See example business plans - email me for a copy of Business Plan Pro (advert)
- Resources from Intuit at http://smallbusinessunited.com (advert)
- Learn VC - www.learnvc.com (advertisement)


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