Monday, January 5, 2009

Medical Device opportunity with doctor in Florida

From an email I received:

"Company/Opportunity Description:
 I have found that hospital employees are very lax in wearing personal
 protective equipment. This causes spead of resistant bacteria in
 hospitals. There are about 100,000 deaths yearly due to these infections
 (& ~ 2 million infections; which costs the hospital industry billions of
 dollars in losses). Recently, Medicare has passed a mandate that they
 will not pay for certain hospital acquired infections.
My device would save hospitals money by reducing hospital acquired
infections. I am seeking the assistance of the school in writing a
good business plan. It probably is a specific project for a student in the
entrepreneurship class, where writing a business plan is part of the
learning process. I would prefer that the candidate have either a medical or an engineering background.
I am trying to develop a device with the assistance of a North Carolina engineering firm.

This would target the hospital infection control market which is a large and
growing one.

Thank you , Sincerely,
 Vivek Manikal, MD,
 Infectious Diseases Associates of North Florida, PA
 St Augustine, FL 32080
 904 461 0821

1 comment:

tanstead said...

Dr. Manikal,

I have worked in the medical device industry for several years and would be interested in working with you. I have also written many business plans and feel I have the background to help you bring your product to market. I know you are very busy so feel free to contact me directly when you have time. Thank you.

Tom Anstead, MBA