Tuesday, November 24, 2009

VC Class from Bill Brown

From our friend Bill Brown in the Law School:

It occurred to me that some of the students might be interested in a class I am teaching next semester.  Mergers & Acquisitions:  Venture Capital, Private Equity and Entrepreneurship.  http://www.law.duke.edu/curriculum/courseinfo/course?id=247  It is MW 1:30-2:50.  We will use case studies that will focus on the business, finance, tax, corporate and IP matters relating to
--VC rounds
--Buy-outs of mature companies/divisions
--Roll-ups (consolidating fragmented industries)
--Financing over-leveraged/troubled companies
--Exit strategies
--Management compensation
Syllabus from last year is attached. 
I currently have a couple of Fuqua students enrolled and would welcome other interested students. 
Again, congratulations!
Best regards,
Bill Brown

Science Drive and Towerview Road
Box 90360
Durham, NC  27708-0360
919 613-8517

Howie Rhee, MBA
Managing Director
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Room E167J
919-617-1123 mobile

Duke Entrepreneurship Links:
- Entrepreneurship at Duke - www.EntrepreneurshipAtDuke.com
- A Duke Resource for Entrepreneurs: www.dukeVEN.com
- Weekly Education Series - www.dukeDEES.com
- Connect with Duke Entrepreneurs - www.dukegen.com
- Find a startup - www.startupmatchmaker.blogspot.com
- Duke Start-Up Challenge - www.dukestartupchallenge.org
- Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club - www.dukeevcc.com
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/EshipAtDuke
- Entering the Duke Start-Up Challenge? See example business plans - email me for a copy of Business Plan Pro (advert)

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