Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Berkeley Ventures Opportunitiy

This was forwarded to me. Might be of value to some of you working on starting a company with intentions of ending up in the Bay Area.  Note that we have an incubator here at Duke, the DUhatch Student Business Incubator.


----- Original Message -----
From: Julio Ramirez jramirez@berkeleyventures.com
Sent: Mon 06/29/09 2:42 PM
Subject: Fwd: Berkeley Ventures Opportunitiy

Hello Adam,

My name is Julio Ramirez and I am Director of Business Development at Berkeley Ventures.
We are a new incubator out of Berkeley focused on helping startups in the tech, software, mobile, clean tech, and gaming space. We offer incubator space, access to mentors and advisers, connections to local talent/resources, and a year round program to help these companies grow.

Although the summer has already started, we are still accepting applications, and would appreciate if you could send out our information to your members.  Below is the information about our program.  In addition, we can be contacted anytime at info@berkeleyventures.com or 510.325.5845.
Thank you and looking forward to it,



The Power of a Startup Community

Berkeley Ventures is an incubator which helps serious entrepreneurs bring their innovations to the world. We specialize in bringing very early stage companies or first time entrepreneurs to market.  Incubated businesses have an 87% survival rate and up to 70% are profitable or receive the funding they need.  Berkeley Ventures combines industry expertise, comprehensive networks, and all-inclusive facilities to help our businesses thrive.

Work side by side with fellow entrepreneurs

  • Learn from the experiences and challenges of others
  • Create synergies with innovative companies
  • Build a strong social network with your peers

Be part of the Berkeley Venture network

  • World class advisors including CEO's, investment bankers, and venture capitalists to help grow your business
  • An extensive network to help recruit additional team members
  • Access to talented resources at UC Berkeley  and Stanford

Seed funding is available for select companies

  • Seed money ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per startup is available for select companies
  • Berkeley Ventures will receive an equity stake ranging from 3% to 9%

Complete office solutions for your business

  • Entrepreneurs receive private office space including all utilities, online, copy, and printing services
  • Multiple conference rooms and private offices which can be used for quiet meetings, confidential calls, or collaborative work
  • The office layout is flexible in meeting the needs of your business and promoting interaction
  • Our building's 30 kw of solar panels, one of the larger installations in Berkeley, provides a perfect development lab for solar IT companies

Live at the center of technology and innovation

  • The SF Bay Area leads the nation in startups, angel and VC funding, and IPO's
  • Access to the most talented pool of technical and business people of anywhere in the world

Incubator Application

Submit inquiries and applications to "application@berkeleyventures.com".  To submit a first stage application please send:

1.    A 2-3 page business plan summary (financial projections optional).  Summary should include industry analysis, competitive advantage, revenue model, and go to market strategy.

2.    Resumes of each team member.  We will be in touch and let you know of the second stage in the review process. Please feel free to visit us online at http://www.berkeleyventures.com or call (510) 325-5845.
 --  Julio Ramirez Business Development Berkeley Ventures 727 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94710 510.325.5845 jramirez@berkeleyventures.com

Howie Rhee, MBA
Managing Director
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Room E167J
919-923-7113 mobile

Watch our video: www.fuqua.duke.edu/wakeup

Duke Entrepreneurship Links:
- Entrepreneurship at Duke - www.EntrepreneurshipAtDuke.com
- Weekly Education Series - www.dukeDEES.com
- Connect with Duke Entrepreneurs - www.dukegen.com
- Find a startup - www.startupmatchmaker.blogspot.com
- Duke Start-Up Challenge - www.dukestartupchallenge.org
- Entrepreneurship Week - www.eweekatduke.com
- Twitter - http://twitter.com/EshipAtDuke
- Blog - www.howierhee.blogspot.com
- Photos - http://picasaweb.google.com/EshipAtDuke
- LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/howierhee
- Entering the Duke Start-Up Challenge? See example business plans - email me for a copy of Business Plan Pro (advert)
- Resources from Intuit at http://smallbusinessunited.com (advert)
- Learn VC - www.learnvc.com (advertisement)

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