Looks like a good program. See attachment (also copying and pasting some of the details).
![Description: OMD-and-Strap-line]()
Take your start-up to the next level this summer!
Introducing the GE OMD Summer Incubator Program…
General Electric and Omnicom's OMD have partnered to create a 10-week incubator program bringing together the brightest student entrepreneurs to work in New York City for the Summer of 2011. Dubbed the GE-OMD Incubator, the objective is to create a collaborative environment where student entrepreneurs can learn, thrive and bring great digital, media and marketing ideas to life.
Located in the heart of Manhattan, the GE-OMD Incubator provides a space where accepted applicants will share ideas and experience with each other, learn from industry mentors and build relationships with the venture capital community. In addition participants will receive an accelerated education on launching their start-up and refine their personal initiatives with some the most influential decision makers in the marketing/media industry.
Selected entrepreneurs or teams of entrepreneurs will receive complimentary work space, access to GE and OMD executives and compensation throughout the Summer.
Distinctive Features
· Get paid to work on your start-up initiative
· Summer 2011 stipend of $4,000 per person, June 7, 2011 to August 19, 2011 (10 Weeks)
· Opportunity to be awarded $10k scholarship grant
· Free workspace + collaboration with other participating digital experts
· Training/instruction on media, marketing, advertising and digital landscape from OMD
· Learning how to fund your start-up from leading venture capitalists
· Access to Fortune 50 brands
· Mentorship from General Electric marketing
· Collaboration, mentorship and relationship building with the largest Global Media Agency, OMD
· Unique forum to pitch media opportunities and marketing ideas to senior executives at GE and OMD
· Build relationships and your career with leaders from OMD, GE and the Venture Capital space
We are accepting applications for consideration in this year's program through Thursday, May 1, 2011.
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur in school and involved with a high-potential startup, we want to hear from you.
Students given the highest consideration will meet the following criteria:
· Have a breakthrough digital product / business initiative that is built or in the process of being developed
· Are developing a business model that leverages advertising dollars as a primary revenue stream
· Are pursuing a big market opportunity with a product or service with the potential to be disruptive in its area
· Are interested in reinventing and shaping the media, marketing, advertising and/or digital landscape
![Description: OMD-and-Strap-line]()
GE OMD Incubator 2011 Application Form – Part 1
We are accepting applications from aspiring entrepreneurs with: (1) An existing start-up idea, (2) a start-up company or (3) great digital, med and marketing ideas. Please answer the questions below about yourself and idea as applicable.
Note: The deadline for application submissions is May 1, 2011 12:00 Noon EST.
Below are the questions asked in the online application form, so that you can compose your answers offline first, if you so choose. Please note that all applications must be submitted to: incubator@omd.com
1. Your idea OR Why you want to work at the GE OMD Incubator
• Tweetable elevator pitch (max 110 characters)
• Full elevator pitch & any relevant links (max 500 characters)
· Optional - Video Elevator Pitch (Embed link; length limit: 3 min maximum.)
2. Your idea's problem/solution OR Concepts you'd like to tackle
• Problem - Please describe what problem you are trying to solve (max 500 characters)
• Solution – What is your solution? What is innovative about your solution? Technology, Business model, etc? (max 500 characters)
· Is there an existing solution, and/or competitive product or service? (max 500 characters)
3. Potential of idea OR Career goal
• What impact do you hope to accomplish within the near and long-term? (max 500 characters)
4. Founding Team and Background Information
• If applicable, please share some background information on any additional team members applying for this program, and tell us what makes your team special (max 500 characters)
· Please tell us about your major(s) in school, as well as your relevant skillset(s) (max 250 characters)
5. Other Considerations
• Any other considerations we should be aware of ? (max 500 characters)
Hi Jon and Howie,
I was referred to you by Duke's career services. They said that you were the appropriate people to talk to about an incubator program for student entrepreneurs that OMD and GE have partnered to launch this Summer.
Attached is some information about the GE OMD 2011 Summer incubator. I think it's a great opportunity for student entrepreneurs looking to accelerate their startup or great idea.
Feel free to share this document with anyone who can help spread the word and please let me know if there are any specific stand-out students who should be taken into consideration for this program.
I'd be happy to get on a phone call with any entrepreneurial club contacts to discuss any of this in greater detail.
Dave Altarescu
Ignition Factory
Tel: (212) 590-7333
Fax: (646) 278-3333
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New York, NY 10007
Advertising Age Media Agency of the Year, 2009
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